Episode #23 Mark Jackson: You Have To Get On The Ground

Real Estate Comps are important, but good training is equally important. Before examining what you may learn when taking a real estate investing program, it is important that you remember that no two things are alike. Not all real estate investing programs are the same. Programs are designed for the different levels of investors and they are offered for different lengths of time. These factors may determine exactly what is taught in a real estate investing course. However, with that in mind, there are many common points that are covered in most courses. 

Let’s start at the beginning, so you have purchased a house, renovated it, fixed all the issues, and now it’s ready to sell. But where do you go from here? What’s the next step to get this property sold and move on to the next? 

One of the first thing to do is write your copy. You will want to highlight all the things in the home that build value. If you are tailoring your sales to a particular market, be sure to include those specific things that will appeal to that market. For instance, if you are marketing to people who have children, a large fenced-in backyard or a good school system may be your key points.

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Remember, you’re the pilot. You just have to determine where you’re going to go.

Mark Jackson

You will definitely want to have a theory of what the house is worth when you prepare your listing. Using InvestorComps to evaluate the value will prevent you from overshooting the value in an effort to make a maximum profit, but you also don’t want to undervalue the house to move it quickly, either. This leads to our next point.  

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Investor Comps – Training Courses, Real Estate Comps and Data Packages

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